ITS FRIDAY ITS FRIYAYYYY. We are back with a new and improved FEATURE FRIDAY PRESENTED BY CrazygirlGaming and MilitiaGamingLeague and Sponsored by InKMySwagg Ent.    This week I am featuring MacTurntup of @BallLikeHer2k    She plays mostly at the big position and great at the Stretch Four.  Check out her interview and more info about … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: MACTURNTUP AKA MACnificent__

Special Edition Feature Friday: NBA 2K League Showcase

IT'S FRIDAY and I did get paid.  I am not doing a normal feature this week, I will be back next week featuring people from the basketball gaming community.  I wanted to highlight this week's NBA 2K League Showcase that took place last night featuring NBA 2K league players, members of the community and NBA … Continue reading Special Edition Feature Friday: NBA 2K League Showcase


It's Friday and you know what time it is....time for another great Feature!  This week's feature is from a serious comp player xxInkMySwaggxx if you looking for a great big man he is the one repping the 305.  He has a love for basketball, but pursued football growing up, but uses playing competitively on NBA … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: xxINKMYSWAGGxx

#TBT Games I Loved Growing Up: Mortal Kombat (The Series)

Throwback Thursday time!!!!  This week's game is in my opinion, one of  the greatest video games ever Mortal Kombat.   The first time I saw this game was at the local arcade in my city.  People was crowded around the machine playing if you wanted to play next you had to put a quarter on the … Continue reading #TBT Games I Loved Growing Up: Mortal Kombat (The Series)


It's Fridayyyyyyyyyyy the 13th and guess who's playing Jason.   This week's Feature Friday is from no other than Optima_sxTGDi, I will say his feature was so enjoyable to do he is a real character and very entertaining.  Little background I was suppose to do his feature awhile ago, but he changed his name and … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: OptimaGLg AKA Optima_SxTGDI

#TBT Games I Loved Growing Up: Joe Montana Football

Happy Thursday everyone time for another throwback game.  This week's game is one of Electronic Arts first football games besides John Madden.   Joe Montana Football was the first football game I remember playing that change the camera to the overhead view instead of sideways like Tecmo Bowl.  It featured the hottest QB and one … Continue reading #TBT Games I Loved Growing Up: Joe Montana Football


HAPPY FRIDAY!!  It is time for another great Feature Friday.  This week I am featuring KingPharaohz AKA TheSGKid.  He is a great comp baller that also made the top 250 in the NBA 2K League.  He had to make a decision that prevented him to be part of the 102, but I know next year … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: KingPharaohz AKA TheSGKid


It is Friday and Who got paid???  This week's Feature Friday is from Dread_Head-02.  I have not played with him in NBA 2K18, but from doing his feature I see he is a serious comp player.  His stats are amazing and his hustle and determination is the reason he is a 99 overall!!  Those of … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: DREAD_HEAD-02 AKA C_hrisRich