Special Edition Feature Friday: NBA 2K League Showcase

IT'S FRIDAY and I did get paid.  I am not doing a normal feature this week, I will be back next week featuring people from the basketball gaming community.  I wanted to highlight this week's NBA 2K League Showcase that took place last night featuring NBA 2K league players, members of the community and NBA … Continue reading Special Edition Feature Friday: NBA 2K League Showcase


It's Friday and you know what time it is....time for another great Feature!  This week's feature is from a serious comp player xxInkMySwaggxx if you looking for a great big man he is the one repping the 305.  He has a love for basketball, but pursued football growing up, but uses playing competitively on NBA … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: xxINKMYSWAGGxx

#TBT Games I Loved Growing Up: Joe Montana Football

Happy Thursday everyone time for another throwback game.  This week's game is one of Electronic Arts first football games besides John Madden.   Joe Montana Football was the first football game I remember playing that change the camera to the overhead view instead of sideways like Tecmo Bowl.  It featured the hottest QB and one … Continue reading #TBT Games I Loved Growing Up: Joe Montana Football


It's Fridayyyyyyyyy and I didn't get paid :(.  This week's Feature Friday is from a young man by the name of iSmooveTV.  I enjoyed learning about him on this feature he is 17 years old plays comp Pro-am, but most of all he respects the game of basketball and knows his real-life basketball IQ helps … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: iSmooveTV


This week's Feature Friday is no other than KspadetheProspect AKA Spade, Kspade, the NBA 2K Crew Ambassador.  I've been following and knowing spade since 2K10 days, me and him have kindred spirits, when it come to a lot of gaming.  He is definitely the voice of team play in basketball video games.  I hope to … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: KSPADE

#TBT Games I Loved Growing Up: The Oregon Trail

So this week's game is near and dear to my heart.  If you went to elementary school in the early 90s you remember having a computer class or computer time to play a game called Oregon Trail.  Apparently the game was released in 1971?!?!? Whaaaaat who knew *shrugs*  I remember in school getting on a … Continue reading #TBT Games I Loved Growing Up: The Oregon Trail


Hello World!  This week's #FeatureFriday I am highlighting the homie Based_Facts.  I have played with him over the years believe it was 2k15 in the Jordan Rec Center we first balled together.  He is a hustler and gets his points very efficiently.  Hit him up if you want to ball with him you won't regret … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: Based_Facts


This week I am featuring the homegirl NBK_WatchMeCamp.  I have been able to play with her a few games because both of us are members of the NBA 2K women community @BallLikeHer2K (make sure you follow).  She has this athletic/shooting PF that is the truth, hard to guard with her because she takes shots were … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: NBK_WatchMeCamp

Feature Friday: iSTYLEZ6 AKA @iSTYLEZ80NINE

IStylez6 or iStylez80nine is a player that I have known for awhile and have played with in the past.  When we have played he is a playmaking type PG that can score and see the floor well.  He has potential to become one of the players in the league if he stays focus and keeps … Continue reading Feature Friday: iSTYLEZ6 AKA @iSTYLEZ80NINE