FEATURE FRIDAY: Gapingsungaming

It's Friday its Friyay!  This week's Feature Friday is no other than Gapingsungaming.  I have not played with him before, but doing this week's feature I was able to learn more about him.  He played Mycareer for years, but never played Pro-am until this year.  I find that very interesting and I can appreciate that … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: Gapingsungaming


This week's Feature Friday is no other than KspadetheProspect AKA Spade, Kspade, the NBA 2K Crew Ambassador.  I've been following and knowing spade since 2K10 days, me and him have kindred spirits, when it come to a lot of gaming.  He is definitely the voice of team play in basketball video games.  I hope to … Continue reading FEATURE FRIDAY: KSPADE